So, your thinking about getting a tattoo, there are a few things you should consider before you get one. We will cover each of these in different blogs, so for today we will start with tattoo designs.
The main thing to remember is once you get a tattoo it is on you forever. Yes, there are ways of having them removed, but they are costly and can leave scarring. You want a tattoo that is you, not one that everyone else has. A tattoo should in my opinion be unique like the person that is getting it. There are lots of tattoo designs out there and any of them can be turned into a custom piece. It will all depend on the artist you choose and what you can afford.
Tattoo's can be cheap at some shops, but honestly you get what you paid for. If you just want someone that can copy and color then that isn't a tattoo done by an artist. A true tattoo artist will start with what you give them and work the design so it is your design, no one else will have your design. They will color and shade it so it is what you want, not what the shop wants. Take the picture above, that is one of my custom tattoo's done by Reb at Tat2U in Palm Harbor, FL. I showed him a very grainy picture and told him color wise what I was looking for. A few days later he had the tattoo all drawn up and colored for me to look at before I made my final decision. Reb has done all my tattoo's and I would recommend him to anyone, he truly is a gifted artist. You can check out his work at tat2uonline.com
What I would recommend to anyone thinking about getting a tattoo is to really research what you want from a tattoo. What do you want to have on your body? Where do you want it? How big do you want it? A lot of people just say hey I want a tattoo and end up getting something they later regret, but with a lot of thought and research you don't have to regret getting one. One thing I don't recommend getting are names. Girlfriends, wives, husbands, boyfriends and what not can come and go out of your life. Do you really want say George's name on you ten years after he dumped you?? Out of all of mine I only have one that has a name. It is a breast cancer ribbon with my favorite and my mom's favorite flowers. It has Mom on it as she will always be my mom and she fought and won her battle with breast cancer.
My main point of this blog is to really think about what you want and if 20 years down the road if you will still like it or will you wish you never got it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
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